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Discover the Power of Vibrational Medicine with Patti Conklin

Are you facing life changes due to illness, spiritual upheaval, or emotional trauma and are seeking a renewed sense of vitality and health? Patti Conklin, a seasoned Vibrational Mediator and Medical Intuitive with over 28 years of experience is here to guide you on your journey to health.

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Join our online group sessions for a calming, healing energy every Wednesday, 12pm-12:30pm EST. Experience the power of collective healing as Patti connects with multiple individuals simultaneously. Limited space available, so book early.

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Healing Beyond Medication

Patti's goal is to free you from pain and help you regain control of your health journey.

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    With over two decades of experience, Patti Conklin is a pioneer in complementary healthcare. She is dedicated to improving your quality of life through innovative healing methods.

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    “Having cancer that did not follow the usual rules helped teach me that medical science is a practice. They don’t have all the answers. One of the things I love about Patti Conklin is that she works with medicine to get me my best outcomes […]”


    "Patti helped me clear out the old stuff. I have a new perspective and I believe my positive thoughts have healed my body! I am considered a 1% er! My body is clear. I am healthy and whole! Thank God!"

    Elena C.

    "The visualizations and processes were what I needed to facilitate forgiveness and release – to heal the old wounds. This was the path for me to develop self-love and change the way I experience life and the world around me. It was exactly what I needed, at exactly the right time. It was perfect."




    Advice, recommendations, information
    positive thinking
    By Patti Conklin 27 Mar, 2024
    Positive thinking has many benefits on the body. It even has an impact on healing. Learn more.
    By Patti Conklin 17 Mar, 2024
    The power of Positive perception—what is it, and how does it help your emotional health? Positive perception is a mindset that focuses on optimism and finding value in all experiences. In this article, we will explore positive perception and its role in enhancing emotional health. We will look at how a positive outlook can improve your emotional well-being and how it goes hand in hand with mental and physical well-being. Through practical insights and vibrational mediation techniques, we aim to guide you toward a more fulfilled and balanced life, and we hope this blog helps you achieve that. What is Positive Perception?  Positive perception is the intentional focus on life's positives, the ability to see beyond immediate challenges, and the appreciation of the potential for growth and joy in every situation. It's not a natural tendency for some, but fortunately, it is a skill that can be developed to transform your outlook on life and your interactions with the world around you. Positive perceptions approach to life is rooted in the science of positive psychology, which shows that individuals with a positive outlook tend to lead healthier, more satisfying lives. They are better equipped to cope with stress, recover from illness more quickly, and even enjoy more robust social relationships. By recognizing the value in every experience and being able to see the positive aspects of situations that you might typically view as negative, positive perceivers actively enhance your emotional regulation and resilience. Adopting this perspective doesn't mean ignoring life's difficulties; rather, it involves acknowledging challenges while still choosing to focus on opportunities for growth and positivity. Embracing positive perception as a daily practice can lead to profound benefits, laying the foundation for improved emotional health and overall well-being. The Connection Between Positive Perception and Emotional Health The link between positive perception and emotional health is multifaceted and has been well-studied. Positive perception acts as a catalyst for emotional resilience, enabling you to navigate life's ups and downs with greater ease and less stress. It influences how you process emotions, react to challenges, and interact with others, contributing to a healthier emotional state. For example, one study on aging and mental health showed that happiness, laughter, and humor led to better bereavement adjustment and reduced depressive symptoms. This demonstrates that those who maintain a positive outlook exhibit lower levels of depression and anxiety and higher levels of happiness and satisfaction. Real-life examples abound, showing that people who adopt a positive mindset tend to have better stress management capabilities , enhanced mood regulation , and increased resilience against adversity . This powerful relationship underscores the importance of cultivating a positive perception as a key strategy in promoting emotional well-being and achieving a balanced, fulfilled life. The Role of Positive Perception in Emotional Health Positive perception profoundly influences our emotional health by creating an environment where mental , emotional, and physical well-being thrive. It equips individuals with the ability to manage stress effectively, regulate mood swings, and bounce back from setbacks with resilience. Over time, this outlook cultivates a sense of inner peace, happiness, and satisfaction, laying the groundwork for long-term emotional health benefits. By choosing to focus on the positives, you can transform your daily life, making challenges more manageable and its joys more noted. This mindset doesn't just benefit you; it radiates outward, improving relationships and creating a positive impact on your community. Vibrational Mediation: An Aid to Improve Emotional Health Vibrational mediation, a practice that focuses on aligning the body's energy frequencies, offers a novel approach to enhancing emotional health through positive perception. You can directly influence your emotional well-being by attuning to the vibrations that resonate with health, harmony, and positivity. This methodology facilitates a deeper connection between mind, body, and spirit, enabling you to achieve a state of balance and emotional clarity. Through vibrational mediation, you can learn to navigate the complexities of your emotions with grace, using your energy to foster a positive outlook and enhance overall emotional health. Practical Steps to Improve Positive Perception and Emotional Health Practical, daily actions can improve your positive perception and emotional health. Begin by cultivating gratitude, focusing on what you appreciate in your life. Engage in positive affirmations, reinforcing self-belief and confidence. Practice mindfulness, staying present and appreciative of the moment. Incorporate vibrational mediation techniques to align your energy with positive frequencies. Surround yourself with positive influences—people, environments, and media that uplift and inspire. Finally, embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, viewing obstacles through a lens of potential rather than limitation. By integrating these practices into your daily routine, you can enhance your Positive Perception, contributing to a healthier, more balanced emotional state. Positive Perception as a Step to Better Emotional Health Embracing Positive Perception transforms your emotional health, fostering resilience and happiness. You can navigate life's challenges with grace and strength by integrating vibrational mediation and practical positivity practices. Let's commit to this empowering journey, enhancing our well-being and spreading positivity to those around us. As we conclude this exploration, the call echoes—an invitation to explore vibrational mediation to consider its transformative potential in helping you cultivate a positive perception. Reach out to Patti for a Consultation . During the consultation, Patti can provide information about the best service for you during your journey.
    By Patti Conklin 11 Mar, 2024
    The connection between mind and body is undeniable in the intricate dance of life. Our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions intertwine with our physical health in profound and intricate ways. In this blog, we will explore the symbiotic relationship between positive perception, physical well-being, and the transformative power of vibrational mediation. As we embark on this exploration, we delve into the realm where positivity becomes a catalyst for health and vitality. We will explore the science behind positive perception, shedding light on its profound impact on our physical health. Moreover, we'll introduce vibrational mediation as a dynamic tool for fostering positive emotions and perceptions, paving the way for holistic well-being. The Science of Positive Perception Understanding the science behind positive perception profoundly impacts our physical health. For example, a study from Johns Hopkins University showed that people with a family history of heart disease who also had a positive outlook were one-third less likely to have a heart attack or other cardiovascular event within five to 25 years compared to those with a more negative outlook. Positive perception encompasses Optimism Resilience Gratitude Influencing cognitive processes Emotional responses Behavioral patterns Research in psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) explores the connection between mindset and health. Studies indicate that individuals with a positive outlook exhibit stronger immune function, reduced inflammation, and faster recovery from illness. Moreover, optimism is linked to improved cardiovascular health. Many studies have demonstrated the positive effects of optimism; for example, optimism predicted lower ambulatory blood pressure and substantially lower risk of rehospitalization following coronary artery bypass graft surgery . These studies highlight the significant impact of positive perception on physical health outcomes, emphasizing the importance of fostering optimism and resilience for overall well-being. Positive Emotions as a Health Catalyst Positive emotions serve as powerful catalysts for maintaining and improving health. These emotions, including happiness, joy, and gratitude, contribute to a holistic sense of well-being and vitality. Positive emotions can improve health outcomes across psychological, physiological, and social dimensions. They foster a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in life, enhancing overall quality of life. Experiencing positive emotions triggers the release of neurotransmitters and hormones associated with pleasure and well-being , such as endorphins and dopamine. These biochemical changes have been shown to reduce stress levels , lower blood pressure , and boost immune function . These studies demonstrate the impact of positive emotions on health outcomes. Individuals who regularly experience positive emotions can then expect to have lower levels of stress, better sleep quality, and overall higher levels of life satisfaction. Barriers to Positive Perception in Modern Life Despite the numerous benefits of fostering a positive perception, modern life presents several challenges that can hinder it. Recognizing and addressing these barriers is essential for promoting mental well-being and overall happiness. Stress and Anxiety One of the primary barriers to positive perception is the prevalence of stress and anxiety in modern society. The fast-paced nature of modern life and constant pressure to succeed and achieve can lead to chronic stress and overwhelm. Negative News Cycles The constant bombardment of negative news and media content can also impede the development of a positive perception. News outlets often prioritize sensational and distressing stories, leading to increased feelings of fear, anxiety, and hopelessness. Social Pressures and Comparison In today's hyper-connected world, social media platforms facilitate constant comparison and competition, fueling feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction. The curated images and highlight reels presented on social media often create unrealistic standards of success and happiness, leading individuals to compare their lives unfavorably to others. The Impact of Chronic Negativity on Physical Health Chronic negativity not only affects mental well-being but can also have detrimental effects on physical health. Prolonged exposure to stress and negative emotions can weaken the immune system, increase inflammation, and contribute to the development of various chronic diseases. How Vibrational Mediation Can Improve Negative Thoughts and Emotions Fortunately, practices such as vibrational mediation offer a powerful antidote to the barriers of modern life. By immersing oneself in dynamic frequencies of color and tone, individuals can actively engage with energy and transform negative thoughts and emotions. Vibrational mediation serves as a catalyst for emotional release, stress reduction, and the cultivation of positive thoughts, offering a dynamic avenue for nurturing a positive mindset amidst the challenges of modern life. Practical Steps to Incorporate Vibrational Mediation for Physical Health Incorporating vibrational mediation into daily life can be a transformative journey toward enhancing physical health and overall well-being. Here are some practical steps to incorporate vibrational mediation into your routine: 1. Find a Practitioner Seek out a qualified practitioner like Patti, who specializes in vibrational mediation. Look for someone with expertise in sound therapy, energy healing, or color therapy. A trained practitioner can guide you through the process and tailor the experience to meet your specific needs and goals. 2. Getting Ready for a Session Prepare mentally and emotionally for your vibrational mediation session. Set clear intentions for what you hope to achieve and visualize yourself experiencing the practice's benefits. Before beginning the session, practice deep breathing or mindfulness techniques to center yourself and quiet the mind. 3. Consistency and Commitment Commit to incorporating vibrational mediation into your daily or weekly routine. Consistency is key to experiencing the full benefits of the practice, so make it a priority in your schedule. The Synergy of Positive Perception, Vibes, and Physical Health The synergy between positive perception, vibrational mediation, and physical health is undeniable. As individuals cultivate a positive outlook and actively engage with energy frequencies through practices like vibrational mediation, they create a harmonious environment that promotes healing, reduces stress, and fosters overall well-being. By aligning the mind, body, and spirit in a state of positivity and resonance, individuals can unlock the transformative power of vibrational mediation to enhance physical health and vitality. Conclusion In conclusion, the interplay between positive perception, vibrational mediation, and physical health offers a pathway to holistic wellness. By overcoming barriers to positivity, incorporating vibrational mediation into daily life, and embracing the synergy of mind and body, individuals can experience profound transformations in their health and well-being. Ready to transform your well-being? Start by integrating vibrational mediation and positive perception into your daily routine. Whether it's a quick session of vibrational mediation or a simple shift towards optimism, every small step counts. Join us in embracing these practices for a healthier, happier life. Schedule a consultation with Patti today to see how she can help you.


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